Last updated on January 30th, 2020 at 09:22 pm

It’s Thursday afternoon and I have a bit of down time at work, so I thought I would get this quick email out to you while I have the chance.

Yesterday my oldest boy got dropped off at the gym after school, so he could start training again after an extended lay off.  I could see by the way he was taking his time getting changed and putting on his shoes that his motivation was not there to say the least.  

I finally was able to get him out into the gym and he started on his usual warm up and I detected a lack of focus and effort. 

Now a bit of a back story is that my son wants to try and make the Peewee AA’s in the fall, whether he will or won’t is besides the point, but it’s a goal he has.  

So seeing his lack of focus, motivation, and effort I mentioned to him that try outs for AA’s starts now!  I wasn’t trying to be a tyrant, but I did want to get across to him the following message. It’s great to set goals, but to achieve these goals hard work will have to be done on a consistent basis.

I don’t know if he’ll make the team for sure or not, but I do know that doing nothing and just hoping something will happen is pretty much a guarantee it won’t.  

Putting in some time and effort towards goals, I feel can only help long term in hockey or life in general.  So whether he makes the team or not, he will have at least worked on controlling something he has control over – effort and hard work. 

Talk to you soon.

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